Team Huntsmith Instructor
Columnist for Pointing Dog Journal in partnership with
Rick Smith
Other publications written for include:Retriever Journal, Gun Dog,
Quail Unlimited, Dove Hunter, Pheasants Forever, International Arabian Horse,
The Arabian Horse Times, Bowhunter, Coonhound Bloodlines.

Professional trainer in the Arabian Horse Industry from 1980-2006.
Trained, bred and shown numerous National and Regional winners.

Trained and handled coonhounds to both bench and hunting titles.
Assisted Rick Smith with seminars across the USA, Canada, and abroad.
Gun dog owner and hunter for over forty years.

Teaching the Trained Retrieve in New Zealand, using one of Teresa Borrell's Chesapeakes

I live and work in beautiful central Wisconsin. With fields, lakes and woods all around me, I find many opportunities to indulge my passion for the outdoors. Occasionally, I travel to hunt, as I did for this Pope & Young record book cougar taken in British Columbia. Autumn in my home state often finds me in a tree stand with my bow, looking for that big buck, or more likely walking the fields and woods with my Browning side by side and a dog or two, hunting grouse and pheasant.
The things I enjoy most are also my business, from horses, hunting and dogs to writing, art and photography. I am currently close to completing my first book, titled "Train Your Bird Dog With Rick Smith", and have also enjoyed success giving Puppy Seminars for Bird Dogs and seminars on the Trained Retrieve. Traveling with Rick Smith to assist with his popular Bird Dog Training Seminars gave me the opportunity to travel the country and abroad, including New Zealand. I've made many new friends all across the globe, and am grateful to Rick for the many opportunities he's provided as well as for his friendship.